Rocky Mining Consultants
Rocky Mining Consultants has undertaken world-class geotechnically challenging projects alone or in association with other geotechnical specialists and/or consulting companies, including:
Development of ground control management standards and the guidelines for geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring system design for Vale’s global operations (OP/UG/TSF), since September 2020 in association with:
Sharon Geotechnical LLC (SGL), Tucson, AZ, USA
Geomechanics and Environment SAC, Peru
Water and Drilling Management SAC, Peru
GCMP for the boltless ground support in shaft sinking at the #3 Shaft of Barrick Turquoise Ridge, Nov. 2019 – July 2021
Geomechanics services for Lithium and Cesium pillar recovery at Tanco mine, Sinomine Corp., MB, Canada, 2021-2025 (on-going)
Geotechnical and Mining Due Diligence review of TMAC Resources – Hope Bay Project, February - May, 2020, associated with Golder Associates Canada
Managing the Interaction between the Unstable West Highwall and the Underground Mine at Barrick’s Golden Sunlight Mine, Montana, USA (2BUG), 2016-2018